Tuesday, 27 May 2008

Better 'lite' than never...

Sadly just a small update this week - just enough for me feel I have met my self-imposed obligation to 'write something every week' - for a trio of reasons:

1) The Bank Holiday has thrown me: I keep thinking it's Monday and it's not. Normally this would be a good thing ("Hey, we're nearly halfway through the week already!") but for some reason - perhaps encroaching senility, there is certainly ample evidence on this site to suggest that's a strong possibility - I have completely failed to adapt to the shortened week and have spent all day today convinced to my very core that it's still only Monday. This situation is further exacerbated by the fact that...
2) ...they have moved 'The Apprentice' this week. Normally this show is on a Wednesday, but this week it's on a Tuesday. So my weekly session with 'Sirullen' and his troupe of business halfwits is showing a day early, but in my mind it's a day earlier than that, so now I have no idea what day it is but am fairly sure I've no time to write a blog this week, because missing 'The Apprentice' is not an option - even though I am growing increasingly worried about Sirulllens business acumen, as he's clearly fired all the good ones weeks ago. I am only really tuning in now to watch lying backstabber Michael get fired, ideally from a cannon directly into a concrete wall.
3) I'm suffering from Viral Myalgia (at least, that what the NHS helpline says) - which is making it ridiculously difficult to type or even lift anything, but which should fortunately have cleared up in the next few days.

So: proper update soon, when things are back to normal.


Anonymous said...

I see the excuses are already being floated for the impending Mario Kart beating you will be taking!!
"Oh, my hands couldn't turn the wheel fast enough"

Lock up yer daughters, man the barracades!!! The Cromptonator cometh!!!!

or something like that!

Max Halliwell said...

in your dreams mate. PDC does nothing else but play MK.

let us know when you are online.


PDC said...

Sadly, it's now mutated into full-on Man 'flu: I blame Ben the BIL, he's been off sick all week so clearly infected us during last weeks visit.
KC: now may well be your best chance of winning at MK, ever.
Max: now may be your best chance of beating KC, ever...

Max Halliwell said...

you must have more bouts of man flu than any one I know. Perhaps you should upgrade to Bird flu for your next illness?

PDC said...

Ha, you can talk. They even call 'flu medicine 'Max strength' these days, you get through so much of it...