"You should write a blog" said Nini. "You always say you love writing, and I think it would be good for you to practice. You can develop your writing style, plus you can write down all the stuff that happens as the girls grow up so that we can remember it properly. It will be wonderful for them to read later, to see what you were thinking at the time..."
Hmmmm. I am not so sure about this, myself: sometimes my own interior monologue makes me wince, so I sort of dread to think what it would actually sound like if it spilled out on to the page (or screen, or whatever). Also, it's not like I actually think about anything that profound - truth be told, I've definitely spent far more time considering the narrative structure in the Legend of Zelda series than I ever have about my carbon footprint - hell, it's not even close. So already I can anticipate the need to both desperately hunt around for things to say, and then have to censor it heavily for expletives....
Also, as my wife has had cause to point out on many occasions, I certainly give the appearance of hating pretty much everything in the entire world, on some level - and that certainly includes blogs and blogging. It's just so hatefully trendy. One new blog is created every second, apparently, and from what I've read, 99.9% of them are just trite nonsense. The idea sounds great, but in practice it's like peeping into someones secret diary only to find out that all they've written about is what they had for dinner each night. The idea that I'd be adding to that babble isn't appealing...
But then as Nini also pointed out, maybe I can also rage pointlessly at the things that needlessly irritate me, instead of shouting at Radio 4 in the mornings while thumping the steering wheel, or keeping her awake by grinding my teeth.
So, I'm really not sure how this will work: sounds like this blog will be a curious and eclectic mixture of the moments in family life I'd like to remember later, coupled with me getting unnecessarily shouty about parking spaces.
Still, I could really use the typing practice...