Sunday, 1 January 2006

All your burning questions answered...

Q) Lemon Drizzle? What's that all about?
No special reason at all, really. I liked the cake, thought the name was memorable, and when I checked it out the domain was free. There's no secret significance, or anything, it's just a least, I hope theres no secret significance. I live in constant dread that in fact a 'lemon drizzle' is some sort of sexual practice that I'm unaware of, and this site is attracting entirely the wrong crowd....

Q) But where did the name come from?
A) Ha, glad you asked, funny story: I was in my old office talking with some friends and colleagues about blogs, and while we were doing that we were all eating some leftover lemon drizzle cake that my wife had made that I had brought into work. So one them suggested if I ever write a blog, I should call it that. So I did.
Ah, in retrospect I see that's not a remotely funny story at all, and in fact barely makes it into 'interesting'. Apologies, that happens to me a lot...

Q) So, there isn't actually a recipe on this site for lemon drizzle cake?
A) No. Sorry. I'm really not the right guy to ask. I can confirm from firsthand experience that it contains lemons, and further that it is indeed a cake - but I'm not even sure where the drizzling comes in. These people over here seem to know a bit about it, I'd give them a try. Sorry if you blundered here by accident and were disturbed in any way by what you read. Isn't the internet a magical place?

Q) So, do you really like Lemon Drizzle cake, then?
A) Not as much as I used to. Since this site went live I have been 'amusingly' served up more lemon drizzle cake than I care to mention, and it's getting harder and harder to summon up any enthusiasm for a slice. I am also not as keen on Jaffa cakes as I used to be.

Q) I have come here seeking a stuffed toy tapir....
A) Yeah, I get that a lot. Again: wrong site. We are not affiliated with the stuffing of tapirs (or indeed any other hoofed mammal) in any way. While you're here, can I just say that this seems to me to be a very unusual request, and yet the volume of tapir-related traffic (all due to this post) is inordinately high. I would love to know the circumstances that led to this specific need, so it would be great if you could drop me a line...

Q) Are you anything to do with Lemondrizzle, the band?
A) No, and which one did you mean? To my knowledge, in the time the site has been live there have been three new bands started who have picked that name. I'm not sure of any of them are still going. Maybe a rethink on the bandname might be an idea? Stuffed tapirs seem inexplicably popular, so maybe try "The Stuffed Tapirs"? It says 'winners' to me, I can picture you now, moodily lit in black and white, on the cover of NME...

Q) When is the site updated?
A) Most weeks, normally on a Monday or Tuesday night. Sometimes more frequently if I cannot bear the searing injustice of it all and need to share.

Q) When is this going to end?
A) I've been thinking about that a lot lately. Not sure. Probaly at some point when the girls are bit bigger and care a bit more about what I write about them, or if I find something else to write about instead.

Q) Do you plan out what you will write beforehand?
A) Ah, bless your heart, does it seriously read like I do? No, not in any way. Most posts take between one and two hours to write and are often slightly revised for a few days afterwards.
I do sometimes, however, have more than one post half-written at a time and then finish them off later, which leads to occasional continuity errors (that nobody has ever noticed yet).

Q) Can I reprint some of your posts?
A) Maybe - I've certainly let others do so, most notably the NCT, but I would always like to be asked. So please get in touch, there's now an email address on the right hand side of the site.

Q) I've clicked on that email 'link' and it doesn't work...
Yeah, it's not a link, it's just an image. I get way too much spam as it is...