Tuesday, 27 February 2007

Kitty Armageddon: They're taking over...

Hello Kitty. Hello, another Kitty. Hello, yet another Kitty....
The first time I went to Tokyo after Amelie was born, I brought her back a packet of 'Hello Kitty' figurines that I bought from a booth on the platform for the Shinkansen train - they are just cheap plastic figures, like pencil tops, and a packet of six of them costs about the same as a pint of beer. Amelie adored them, and every time I've been back to Japan since (which is about 3 times a year) I've picked up another packet for her: Kitties playing in a band, Kitties eating fruit, Kitties pretending to be cavemen, etc, etc...
The problem is that she has so many now, that they are everywhere - and she has a habit of hiding them. You do the washing up, and there's something left at the bottom after the water drains away? That'll be a Kitty. Trodden on something in the dark, while getting up for a drink of water at night? Kitty. Washing machine broken down because something's blocked the filter? Kitty. Something uncomfortable digging into your back in bed at night? Kitty.
There was one in my shoe in the other day, and one in my laptop bag, theres always at least one permanently in the footwell of the car: they are taking over, hundreds of them, all of them staring at me with their cold, dark eyes and their featureless expressions...Kitty based nightmares can't be too far away....